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Blurry Gradient
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a collection of set, prop installation and scenic applications. All techniques 
are fully scalable.

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a collection of set, prop installation and scenic applications.
All techniques 
are fully scalable.

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scenic fabric techniques

pleated scroll organza

scenic fabric techniques

rolled raw canvas

scenic fabric techniques

micropleat wired tulle

scenic fabric techniques

raw edge linen weaving

scenic fabric techniques

sculpted  stiched felt

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scenic fabric techniques

rope, fabric and string weaving

scenic fabric techniques
scenic fabric techniques
scenic fabric techniques

hand pleated starch sculpted tulle

pleated & stitched linen and gauze

raw hem rough cut layered canvas

scenic fabric techniques
scenic fabric techniques
scenic fabric techniques

heat cut 'fish scale', layered organza 

rope wrapping

resin hardened organza bubbles

scenic fabric techniques
scenic fabric techniques
scenic fabric techniques

giant wool, balled & knotted

singed & layered vinyl fabric

'dragonscale', folded, pressed cotton 

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